
Problem Solve More, Code Less


5 Jan 2023

These are some topics I have been thinking about for awhile, however I was pleasantly surprised that ChatGPT aligns with these values as well. I agree with these answers.

Q: Do you have any tips on how to be a better programmer by thinking about problem solving more and coding less?

A: Certainly! Here are a few tips that might help you become a better programmer by focusing on problem solving:

1. Practice problem solving: Solving programming challenges and puzzles can help you develop your problem-solving skills and become a better programmer. There are many websites that offer a wide range of problems to solve, such as HackerRank, LeetCode, and Project Euler.

2. Break down problems into smaller pieces: Complex problems can be overwhelming. Try breaking them down into smaller, more manageable pieces that you can solve one at a time. This will help you focus on one aspect of the problem at a time and make it easier to find a solution.

3. Understand the problem thoroughly: Before you start coding, make sure you fully understand the problem you are trying to solve. This may involve reading the problem statement multiple times, asking clarifying questions, and drawing diagrams to help you visualize the problem.

4. Learn to think abstractly: Abstract thinking is an important skill for problem solving. It involves thinking about concepts and ideas in a general, theoretical way, rather than focusing on specific examples. This can help you come up with creative solutions to problems.

5. Take breaks and practice mindfulness: Taking breaks and practicing mindfulness can help you stay focused and improve your problem-solving skills. Stepping away from the computer and engaging in activities like meditation or exercise can help you clear your mind and come back to the problem with a fresh perspective.

Q: How do I get better at breaking down problems into smaller pieces?

A:1. Identify the problem: Start by clearly defining the problem you are trying to solve. This will help you understand what you are working on and what you need to achieve.

2. Break it down: Once you have a clear understanding of the problem, try breaking it down into smaller, more manageable pieces. This might involve identifying the different parts of the problem or breaking it down into steps.

3. Prioritize: Determine which pieces are most important or need to be solved first. This will help you focus on the most crucial parts of the problem and ensure that you don't get bogged down in less important details.

4. Solve one piece at a time: Now that you have broken the problem down into smaller pieces, you can tackle them one at a time. This will make the problem feel more manageable and help you make progress more quickly.

5. Test and debug: As you work through each piece of the problem, be sure to test your solution and debug any errors you encounter. This will help you catch problems early and ensure that your solution is as effective as possible.

Remember, the key is to take a step back and think about the problem in a more abstract way. By breaking it down into smaller pieces, you can focus on solving one part at a time and make progress more efficiently.

Q: What advice would you give to an associate developer trying to become a senior developer?

A: Here are a few pieces of advice I would give to an associate developer trying to become a senior developer:

1. Keep learning: Technology is constantly changing, so it's important to stay up-to-date on the latest tools and best practices in your field. Consider taking online courses or attending conferences to continue learning and growing as a developer.

2. Build a strong foundation: Make sure you have a strong foundation in the core concepts and technologies of your field. This will make it easier for you to learn new things and adapt to new technologies as they emerge.

3. Get hands-on experience: Experience is an important factor in becoming a senior developer. Look for opportunities to work on real-world projects, either through your job or on your own. This will give you the chance to apply your skills and gain valuable experience.

4. Communicate effectively: As a senior developer, you'll be expected to not only write code but also communicate with non-technical stakeholders, such as project managers and clients. Practice your communication skills, both written and verbal, to be able to effectively convey your ideas and solutions.

5. Learn to lead: Senior developers are often expected to take on leadership roles, whether that's leading a team or mentoring junior developers. Start building your leadership skills now, by taking on additional responsibilities at work or volunteering to lead projects

Very cool responses! I feel more confident knowing I am affirming what I need to work on to level up as a Dev.